Registrations and Admissions
Schools and colleges are yearly confronted with new registrations and admissions.
This task requires massive administrative resources and high volumes of data which must be verified, captured and scanned.
The Scadsys Registration and Admissions system allow new students and parents to register online on the Scadsys Web site for elected Scadsys schools and colleges.
Data is captured only once and uploaded into the schools and colleges systems relieving the burden on administrators and management.
Scadsys Registration and Admission capabilities:
- Institutions determine applicable rules for registration and admissions from pre-defined lists
- Institutions determine mandatory data that must be captured for the registration to be accepted
- Institutions determine which records must be uploaded (scanned birth certificate, photo, ID, etc.)
- Institutions determine which valid feeder areas are allowed (only students from a predefined zones will be accepted)
- Scadsys will verify data (valid ID numbers, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) and user credentials and once valid will populate the data into the Scadsys school or college system
- Scadsys administrators will through the Student Queuing System manage registrations and admissions, and collaborate with prospective students and parents
- When a new registration is accepted, administrators only have to verify the information when the student is enrolled at the school or college