ScadCo | Scadsys
ScadCo | Scadsys ScadCo | Scadsys


Scadsys Media is a library and media management system for managing all activities in a media centre related to searching, accessioning, borrowing and returning of books, magazines, audio-visual aids, text books, Internet knowledge and eBooks. Scadsys Media is fully integrated into Scadsys Administration and keeps record of books/titles on loan to students and educators. A full online search and automated stock-take capabilities are available and biometrics can be used to speed up the identification and borrowing process.

Schools have goals of improving student reading and knowledge skills, and to manage this goal, the media centre control and monitor the borrowing of media material to students and educators. Scadsys has the capability, at any time, to report on material borrowed by student and therefore can identify noncompliance to set goals of reading. If the Scadsys Dashboard is used, additional management information is available, i.e. most read books, number of books read by student, books not borrowed, etc.

Scadsys Media capabilities:
