ScadCo | Scadsys
ScadCo | Scadsys ScadCo | Scadsys


Scadsys Administration addresses specific needs of administrators and managers in respect of Institution Resources Management. Capabilities Scadsys enable are:


Scadsys Assessment accommodates a holistic approach towards student evaluation and assessment. Functionality allows for weighting test and examination marks in calculations of a term or subject final mark. Non-examination marks are also supported which can be used for symbol type evaluations, i.e. 1-7 scale or an A-F scale. All parameters are user driven and can be changed in real-time.

Users can use pre-defined comments (one liners) and remarks (full paragraphs) to complement performance and evaluation. Scadsys provides a number of standard comments, which can be altered, adapted in order to cater for the individual school or college environment. If desired, a remark can be entered in rich text of unlimited length for every subject for every student. This is mostly used for outcomes based education where predefined comments are not used or when a personalized evaluation of progress is required. The Scadsys Assessment system also supports attainment and effort symbols.

Scadsys Assessment comes standard with a comprehensive promotions module. This allows educators to specify promotions criteria in a basic-like language, which empowers educators to make adjustments to the promotion criteria whenever needed.

The assessment cycle consists of various steps that have to be performed, from printing of assessment sheets, capturing of marks and comments/remarks, performing calculations, to the printing of the final student progress reports. If the Scadsys Class Room Management system is used, marks and comments/remarks are capture directly into Scadsys without the need for assessment/mark sheets. Educators can capture marks from inside or outside the institution on any device, i.e. laptops, smart phones or tablets.

Assessment capabilities:
